Saturday, 18 February 2012

just a short nag

kadang-kadang dalam mengenal erti hidup, kita dibelenggu dgn pelbagai perasaan..
sehingga membuatkan kita terase terpedaye dgn perasaan..
kadang2 perasaan itu benar tetapi selalunya ia hanyalah mainan semate2..
sebagai hamba di muka bumi Allah ini, kita haruslah sentiasa bergantung dan berdoa kepada Yang Esa agar sentiasa dipelihara dan diberi petunjuk supaya tidak terpedaya dgn tipu daya perasaan yg penuh dgn hasutan nafsu dan syaitan..
semoga kita sentiasa tergolong dlm org2 yg sentiasa diberi hidayah..
Ya Allah, peliharalah hatiku supaya sentiasa mematuhi segala perintahMu dan redha dgn Qada' dan Qadar Mu..

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Exam Tips

Sweet :) Bittaufiq wannajah~

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to:

Saturday, 11 February 2012

cloud 9 =))

just finished bba0914 year end party..
i was really had fun tonight..
and u know what?! there was something that make me smile inside..
u, thanks for sitting beside me..even just for a while, somehow it makes me tremble inside hehehe ;))
awat la hang blik awal sgt...hmmmm...
nway, lets put our best on the becoming exam..
insyaallah, with all the hard work and pray, He will grant us with success :)

*study week mode begins~*

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to:

Friday, 10 February 2012

sharing is loving

juz got this from Farah Lee Personal page in facebook..
hope she is ok with this..*maaf mdm.farah xminta izin huhu*
motive : as a reflection before going to bed..

as a human being, we can only plan, but everything is decided by Allah..coz He knows what's the best for us ;)

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to: