Wednesday, 2 June 2021

A doctor mother.

 Assalamualaikum.. praise be to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.


Aku kini seorang doktor perubatan yang sudah mendirikan rumah tangga selama 5 tahun dengan rezeki seorang anak (setakat ni la.. alhamdulillah) 

pengalaman bekerja: HO di HRPB aug 2015- aug 2017, MO di O&G HTAR sept 2017- dec 2019, MO di KK seksyen 7 dec 2019- jan 2020, MO di KD Subang jan 2020 - mei 2021 dan kembali ke KK seksyen 7 sehingga kini

InshaAllah akan melanjutkan pelajaran dalam Master of Family Medicine tahun ni (tunggu panggilan interview HLP. doakan ye)

well, as a doctor and a wife as well as a mother, its not an easy task.

the struggle is somehow difficult and challenging. 

daily routine on weekdays: 

wake up 6am - bath, pray Subuh, prepare food for husband and get ready to work.

7am - salam husband, and bring down my daughter by staircase (from 4th floor. my unit is near the staircase and the elevator is in the middle of the block so time consuming there) carried her together with my bag(s) and her bag sometime with a big pack of diaper to the car parked about 5 meters from the apartment. 

7.05am - send my daughter to the babysitter (at 5th floor. thank God got elevator). sometimes need to knock for almost 10 minutes for them to open the door. sabar je la...

7.10-7.15am - depart from babysitter's apartment to my workplace. When in KD, no much traffic and no probem in finding parking as there are already a parking lot for u (as only 3 doctors there) but when moving back to KK, need to depart before 7.15am for u to get parking slot easy. or else u need to go round or double park ( which even worst).

8am - 5pm : work continuesly with 1 hour break (1-2pm). depend on where u are incharge but most of the time u can go back at 5pm. 

5pm - go back home, fetch my daughter from babysitter.

5.40pm - reach home. rest for a while (not really resting as my daughter is so clingy to me. so i couldn't rest at all).

6pm - cook for dinner. i will choose the most easiest dish to prepare. most of the time will choose a healthy dish like grill fish/chicken/meat with stir fry vege (only put alive oil and garlic and bit of salt). the preparation and cleaning after cooking is the tedious part. i kind of hate it haha but need to do la kan sebab kalau tinggal bersepah dapur sampai esok pagi bangun pun same berpsepah jugak).

kalau time penat hari tu order grab/foodpanda je. x larat nk masak. seminggu tu ade la dalam 2-3 kali...or lebih ngeeee... duit kite jgk la mengalir huhu..tu pun jd penat nk pikir...

7pm - dinner and movie time sampai maghrib. kalau bakul baju kotor penuh, basuh baju time ni (zaman sekarang guna mesin basuh auto je).

7.40pm-8.15pm - bergilir dgn husband mandi and solat maghrib. klu rajin mengaji kejap (ape la nk jadi..tunggu rajin..ish3)

8.15pm - selalunye habiskan tgk movie sambung dari tgk mase dinner tu. kekadang sampai kul 10pm la baru habis hahaha. klu anak merengek nk tido ktorg sambung esoknye la.

9.30-10pm - mase ni slalu kemas dan bersihkan dapur (basuh pinggan, lap dapur, tapau makanan lebih). pastu kemas beg anak utk esoknye. kemas mainan anak yg berterabur. siapkan ape yg patut utk esoknye. kalau basuh baju, sidai baju sebelum tido.

10-11pm - solat isyak then tido. dulu anak suka bangun 3-4 kali and kadang2 lebih. bgn nk cari susu. skrg dh x susu badan ade jgk bgn sekali dua nk mengempeng hahaha

and the cycle continues....

weekend - most of the time will be at home with my daughter (husband work). once or twice a month akan duty NNJ clinic. 

so, it's doable. u just need a good family support especially from your husband. Tp klu husband jenis yg nmpk kite blh buat smua sendiri then biar je kita buat sendiri semua even duit utk keperluan harian dan anak2 kite jgk yg nk kena keluarkan mmg x patut la kan. Housework is not wife's ultimate job. it should be done together. and raising children is also a teamwork. so to all husband, please be more understanding and not to take for granted for what your wife has or with your wife's ability. 

"happy wife, happy life"

sampai sini saje bebelan. TQ

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