Friday, 27 January 2012

A Story of My life

alhamdulillah we meet again in this session..
let's take a break for 1/2 hour (too much??no laahhh...) to think and reflect back..
and now i wanna talk about my endless story..
just to share and maybe as a guide to be a better person in the future..

the story beginsss........
i was born on 2nd of January 1991, the first child of my parents who born in a hospital followed by my younger sister..i am the 8th from 10, lived in my grandma's house with my big family..
from my childhood, i never knew anything about the family can be categorized as lower class group..but i am grateful to be in this state as i could learn on how to be  independent..

among my family members, i was given by Allah a speciality, which i have my only mind and thought that maybe can work better than the others..or orang kampung said bijak or pandai..
at the age of 4, i start to read Iqra'..
at the age of 6, i start to read Al-Quran and alhamdulillah at the age of 8 i had my first khatam Quran and 2nd time at 11 years old..
from kindergarten, i scored for the first place in the class and from the whole batch (don't worry, kampung school just have a small number of student :D) and i passed PTS ( a test for standard 3 which enable them to go straight to standard 5 w/o get into standard 4).
then, i just could score the top 4 in the class since i got quite a tough competition..
again, alhamdulillah i got 5A's in UPSR..
i applied most of the best secondary school with the help of my friends and teachers which includes bestari school, MRSM, SBP and sekolah agama negeri..
i just prayed for the best..
somehow, i afraid on how to choose if i got all the promotion at the same time..but, im sure for 1 thing..whichever letter come first to me, then i will go to that school..
and alhamdulillah i was being promoted to sekolah raja perempuan taayah, ipoh ( a sekolah agama negeri)..
i spent 5 years there..eventhough i had applied for SBP during my 3rd year, but i refused when i got the promotion first, i refused because the school that promoted me was just near to my current school..but actually, Allah had prepared for me a bright future if i stay.. 
i got 9A's in PMR and continue my study in life science (sains hayat)..
to be exact, i dont have a real ambitions at that moment..what i know is just learn and learn and learn..
alhamdulillah, Allah granted me 11A1B in SPM..
i wished to study overseas and my targeted country was New Zealand..
but again, Allah knows best..i did not qualified for JPA as i got B in History..and i failed to apply eventhough i tried so many times to study at Egypt or last, what i got is just 2 choices, which is PASUM and KMPh...
it was a very difficult decision i guess..
i ever been dreaming for PASUM before but when i got the offer letter, i had a feeling to refuse..
but, im not sure in KMPh too..then i prayed to Allah for His Guidance..
i picked KMPh and my life went well there..
dont wanna tell much about my life there as it was not a good attitude to share huhu..
i got CGPA 4.00 for both semester..alhamdulillah..
then, i aimed for doing medicine in UKM..alhamdulillah, i was successfully received as UKM's member..
then my life begin...
medical school is something that is always unexpectable..
alhamdulillah, i almost finishing my 3rd year..
even though sometimes i feel down and dont wanna continue studying, but something had made me realized..
why should i quit when i had keep holding for long enough, and after i had gone through difficulties to reach this level..
i just need something to boost up my energy and my motivation..
and it will come from me myself..and also supported by people surroundings..
just hope for the best from Allah..

*study smart, work hard, pray hard

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to:

Saturday, 21 January 2012

the worst me~

sometimes i feel im gonna cry out loud..
i just couldn't stand the stress i have..
its too much..but i chose to be in it..
so, no matter what i have to face it..till the end..
but somehow, i need encouragement..need somebody to hear me..somebody to share the shoulder for me..
the ego inside me prevent to do such things..believing that im strong enough to hold on..
but in fact, im not..
i just dont wanna to burden the others..
it is my problem..and they may not be able to comfort me as what i expected..
not telling that im very selective even though it was the truth..
but, from experiences..yes..not as expected..
but i guess, it is my problem..
what i have to do now is,
just believe..
believe in me
believe in others
believe in what is happening now and the future
and the most important is
believe in Allah
that was the greatest secret ingredient after all..

O Allah, guide me through your way..The Most Merciful

*waiting for somebody someday

Friday, 6 January 2012


Just came back from a dinner at Shang-ri La Hotel and got a birthday present from prof..
never expect that he would give me this kind of brand thing..
somehow it makes me speechless..
thank you so much prof..
may Allah bless u always..

these are the present..all in red

birthday card..the design just like what i gave him ^^

Double Parker Pen

zoom in..the most important thing is it was in RED!huhu
*what makes me touched most was that all are in favourite colour..speechless ^^*

Monday, 2 January 2012

bertepuk sebelah tgn kah??

ce korg buat..tepuk sebelah tgn..bunyi??
mgkn ade yg bunyi tp xla sekuat tepuk dua tgn kan3?
tp selalunye org kaitkan frasa ni dgn cinta syok sendiri..aha..
ok la..cinta tu da parah sgt..kire suke syok sendiri la..
saje nak post benda ni sbb terasa seperti diriku dah lame syok sendiri..huwaaa!!
bertepuk sebelah tgn kah??
walaupun sy tau suatu hr nanti mgkn kena lepaskan gak perasaan ni...
bkn mudah tau..berat sgt apakan daya..
pasrah saje..dah bukan rezeki kan..
so layan je la lagu ni yep!

I'm 21 now!

hari ni tanggal 2/1/2012 maka genaplah umurku 21 tahun..
kalau ikut waktu yg sebenar,dalam surat beranak pukul 7.55mlm br genap 21 sebenarnya..
tp ikut lumrah alam cukup la kan..tepat jam 0000 ok la tu..

kalau dah namanye besday mesti sinonim ngan sambutan kan..
hmmm..sejak lahir mmg kami se-family xdiajar pun sambut2 besday ni..
yela..dulu xmampu mcm skrg..
adik-beradik pun syukur sbb at least kami wish antara adik beradik mase bgn pg kemas bilik same2..itu pun dah memadai ^^

masa skolah menengah dulu xpenah merasa kena sambut mcm kwn2 lain..
birthday awl tahun kan..sume org busy nak masuk skolah..
tp tiap kali sampai asrama je mesti ade sumthing dpt dr bestfrens...
thanks kwn2!!syg korg ketat2!!rindu korg sume11 ^^

masuk u, mcm2 citer la kan...
kat u jadual lain ngan awal tahun selalunye xcuti panjang..
and mase first year tu la first sambutan yg besar yg penah rasa..
kwn2 wat surprise dgn kol kecemasan..pastu masuk bilik kwn ade kek...
then pas hbs mkn, masuk bilik air nk basuh pinggan kena simbah air sabun..
habis lencun satu badan..
tp tu la yg best..kenangan terindah..thanks kwn2!!syg korg ketat2 jugak!<3
time first year ni perkara yg sy wat ialah belanja kakak2 sy yg birthday 2 jan jugak and 26 dis :)

2nd year birthday masa kat banting..
ade program sinar bakti..
tp stakat ni 2nd year la sambut byk kali,sampai 4 kali pon xpaham haha..
first, kat banting pas forum and oma wat kejutan dgn lampu mainan merah yg comel ^^
2nd, balik dr banting, pas main volley ngan team, lepak2 kat cafe then diorg kejutkan dgn kek besday ^^
3rd, "team PBL" wat small party kat kapal, skali sambut ngan besday mira serawak ^^
4th, senior volley sambut besday dai'e, tp diorg nak sambut skali sebenarnye sengaje sbb nak kenakan..habis muke, tudung, baju kena calit ngan cream cake..sabo je la..ingat lg tgn sape yg sesedap rase je calit kat muke tu..huh!^^
utk 2nd year, sempena birthday, sy derma darah wat festaim :)..*sbb sblm ni asyik xlayak je hukhuk*

3rd year ni, sambutan x dirancang..xtau la kan kalau ade kwn2 yg dah merancang tp lain jadinye haha..
kononnye balik wad lapa..ezri ajk mkn lua..
ajk imran, epa n rosma skali..
last2 diorg plan impromptu je wat surprise..
i really2 appreaciate it..
thanks a lot frens!!
syg korg lg ketat! :D
utk 3rd year ni blm tau lg ape yg bakal disumbangkan..juz wait and see :)

apepun, thanks to kwn2 yg menjadikan hidup sy lebih happening :)))
tiada apa yg mampu sy beri utk balas jasa kalian..
hanya Allah saja yang layak membalasnya..
buat kalian yang sudi wish/doa secara langsung mahupun tidak di hari lahirku,
terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kuucapkan..
sekalung doa akan kukirimkan di setiap penghujung solatku bagi mengiringi kalian dalam setiap perjuangan hidup yang penuh cabaran..
semoga Allah sentiasa memberkati dan meredhai hidup kita..amin..^^

ni koleksi gambar besday celebration yg sy ade..enjoy ^^
ni mase first year..banana chocolate cake^^

mase 2nd year..american chocolate cake ^^

the latest..3rd year..Baskin Robin icecream cake..xtau perisa ape hehe^^